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Thai Ads: The whole world “hats off”

Thailand's advertising campaigns have always been considered as the most successful in the Asian market. And is it true that ...Thai television commercials are really viral?You have burst to tears because of the feelings that Thai viral videos have brought?You could never discover the products or service that they try to sell until the end of the ads?

It can be clearly seen that, throughout the long process of formation and development, television commercials are experiencing extremely clear changes. What we often obtained in an advertisement, in the past, were just features, usages, advantages of the product, things that are considered too boring for viewers.

Yet, although the advertising industry in Thailand has just appeared about 5 years ago, it is simply leading the international advertising industry. Their advertising has not only generated great buzz in the international advertising community but also shared the social networking sites and attracted the attention of millions of viewers because of the "difference" and touch the feelings of people that these advertisements bring. 
Let's find out what secrets Vietnamese businesses can learn from these high-quality and pervasive commercials ads come from Thailand campaigns!

1. Every commercial ad is a story that everyone can find themselves in it

Thai advertising videos all contain a short story that makes people unable to take their eyes off them until the last second. The way of storytelling of Thai advertising is not simply listing the actions in turn according to the chronological order, but they are very successful in creating the tone, the mood for the background or even "trigger" for viewers to remember deeper and longer. And when the promotional video closes with the image of the brand, product or service, you know that you've been "tricked" but don't feel uncomfortable at all.
Usually, people would love to listen to stories and often remember longer than one thing or an event if they are placed in a certain context, which Thai advertising has made full use of to produce impressive advertisements. To create such advertisements, the marketer must derive from understanding the consumers and they have done very well, they make simple stories happening daily more meaningful and beautiful. Plus, funny and surprising elements that are always present in every second of the advertisement have stimulated viewers to concentrate till the last minute.

2. Strong, emotional feelings

Thai ads are always appreciated by the strong emotional factors. In just about 3 to 4 minutes, an advertisement often brings viewers through many different emotions, from happiness to sadness.

Phawit Chitrakorn, managing director of Thai Life Insurance, advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather Bangkok: “Emotion is one of the signature characteristics of Thai Life Insurance. Thais are an extreme bunch, so if you want to connect with them, you need to go all the way, whether it is comedy or drama.” 
Besides, it can be seen that Thai ads contain funny situations exaggerated to make viewers laugh at. These advertisements often reflect the "harsh truths" of life and offer a way to solve unique problems and "look relevant" to the use of products (services).
A lesson from Thai ads for any other business is the elaboration in detail content. Content marketing plays an extremely important role in every organization. What you need to do is taking advantage of integrating the emotions that your business wants to convey to customers. Some key emotions are strongly imprinted according to psychological research: Touching, loving, sharing and caring...
For example, "Unsung Hero" is one of the most popular Thai ads worldwide. This ad has over 1 million views from 232 countries within 4 weeks of launch. It’s had over 17,000,000 views from 232 countries within four weeks launched. Plus, with 18,000,000 engagements and interaction, "Unsung Hero" is ranked in the top 10 most influential viral clips in the world.

The goal that these ads target is not to take away the tears of the audience but to let people appreciate the "value of life", which is also the core of the brand. Someday, when they understand the emotions they've experienced, plus the brand image they've been aware of, they will develop buying behavior.

3. Attach brand elements throughout TVC

So I have talked about the emotional factor and the stories, what about the brand factor? A good story will lead viewers from one story to another, from one emotion to another. However, keep in mind that attaching a brand element to your advertising campaign is really important. Don’t let this situation happens to a viewer "This ad is good, but what is the brand name? What is the product?". Do you want to be in such a bad situation? Spending such a long time producing and then people ask such a question?
The final purpose of advertising is still to mark the brand name in the minds of consumers. Thai ads are mostly quite long but always have brand colors. Thai advertisers not only create stories for viewers to remember it, but they are also very clever to include brand elements.

4. Say bye to celebrities, don't choose the best person but the most suitable one!
Hiring celebrities to be brand ambassadors, television commercials shooters, product posters is a “brand-old” way of doing marketing all around the world. But in Thailand, it way too different. The content of Thai ads feels familiar, and many ads are based on true stories. Just think about how consumers can see themselves in the commercials, the memorization of business images will take longer. Since then the familiarity is the "guideline" to help marketers attack strongly to customers. Mr. Alan Cerutti, currently CEO of Happiness Saigon, a unit has joined UNICEF to deploy the Campaign #NoFilter, assumed that using celebrities is just a fundamental factor. If the brand only focusing on celebrities or KOL (who have an influence on the online community), it is difficult for businesses to transmit inspiration to customers. In fact, in frames or videos, viewers will remember more celebrities than advertiser products. To promote the story in the most honest way, the director and producer often look for actors who are not extremely outstanding and famous actors but have images and appropriate actions. Because most of the characters in Thai advertising are easily caught in everyday life, the way to dress, the words they use when addressing are very honest and simple but the content of the story still very good transmission. The cast, especially the child actors, is the highlight of these ads. Phawit Chitrakorn, Executive Director of Ogilvy & Mather Bangkok, an advertising agency for Thai Life Insurance, said: “One of the salient features of Thai life insurance advertising is everything that is trying to do. in a way not too bombastic. We want to keep "normal" things as much as possible. What we try to do is find a touching story that can happen to anyone - our neighbors, friends, or even our families. When consumers begin to feel the meaning that ads want to convey, life insurance will start to make more sense to their lives.


It can be denied that Thailand's commercial ads and viral clips have a distinct color that cannot be mixed and Thai people have a unique and delicate feel and they work with a positive attitude. What Thai people are doing well is that they work honestly, with an overview and insight into the market, they make simple things deep and give great ads. Even that many people see Thai ads to relieve themselves after stressful days of work, to satisfy the urgent or to believe in the good things that still exist nowadays. This is a bright spot that Thai advertising can bring up, thereby easily connecting consumers with more brands - It's an art of communication that we can learn.
Next, it can be seen that the general rule for successful campaigns, is the ability to understand Marketers' people. In order to highlight the brand personality, it is not natural to think about it, you have to go through the process of market research, learn about customers, see what your competitors are doing, how their positioning is, and understand. about your products. It all comes from the right marketing mindset. A good Marketer is always looking for inspiration from simple things in life, constantly improving his own living capital, and constantly learning. 
Finally, remember that content determines a lot about the success of Thai businesses' advertising campaigns. The difference from Thai brands here is bold in Asian culture. It is from the culture of family love, the human personality is considered as a model to beat the audience's heart.
Trinh Van


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