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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2019

Thai Ads: The whole world “hats off”

Thailand's advertising campaigns have always been considered as the most successful in the Asian market. And is it true that ... Thai television commercials are really viral? You have burst to tears because of the feelings that Thai viral videos have brought? You could never discover the products or service that they try to sell until the end of the ads? It can be clearly seen that, throughout the long process of formation and development, television commercials are experiencing extremely clear changes. What we often obtained in an advertisement , in the past, were just features, usages, advantages of the product, things that are considered too boring for viewers. Yet, although the advertising industry in Thailand has just appeared about 5 years ago, it is simply leading the international advertising industry. Their advertising has not only generated great buzz in the international advertising community but also shared the social networking sites and attracted the attention...