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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2019

Identifying Consumer Problems Using Online and Social Media

Identifying Consumer Problems Using Online and Social Media Traditional methods of discovering consumer problems have tended toward direct questioning of consumers. Today’s online environment, however, can be seen as a potential goldmine for identifying consumer problems at both the category and brand level by monitoring the “conversations” happening online. Sometimes those conversations will be happening on a brand’s own online and social media outlets, as when a consumer tweets a company about recent product failure. Sometimes these conversations will be happening in the broader social media environment, as when bloggers discuss product failures or general needs in a specific product area. Consider the following statements from Radian6, a leader in the field of social media measurement: Problems, needs, and wish lists from your potential customers or your competitor’s customers are being tossed out to the social web all the time. From product reviews to casual statements about...